Shadmoor Advisors extends congratulations to David Umbricht and Liz Koors on their promotions to Chief Operating Officer and Chief of Staff, respectively.
Shadmoor Predicts 2025 Trends Shadmoor focuses on operational due diligence. As leaders in the space, here are our predictions for 2025.
Shadmoor Advisors welcomes three new associates to the team: Ron Rodriguez and Michael Gethings will be joining our headquarters in Connecticut, and Peyton Perry will be joining our New York office location.
Shadmoor Advisors celebrates a decade of success with a 10th Anniversary Party, celebrated at Rockefeller Center.
Shadmoor Advisors, a leading operational due diligence (“ODD”) consulting firm for the alternative investment community…
Shadmoor Joining IMDDA Shadmoor Advisors has officially joined the Investment Management Due Diligence Association IMDDA as a corporate member. We look forward to learning from our operational due diligence industry colleagues, participating in its events, and making a contribution to IMDDA’s mission over time. Thanks to Andrew Borowiec and Daniel Strachman, CDDA.
Shadmoor Sponsoring the GAIM Ops Cayman Conference Shadmoor Advisors is a sponsor of the GAIM Ops Cayman conference this year. The event is taking place in Grand Cayman on April 24-27th. Hope to see you our friends from the industry there. Thanks to Joshua Baro and Informa Connect.